Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Stay tuned.

I have had an idea doing cartweels in my mind for the past few weeks and, it was brought on by the fact that my therapist suggested that I might find it helpful and therapeutic in itself if I were to keep a sort of journal. So, being that this is, in a way, what I consider Sunny Side Up! to be, along with a storage area for my favorite things, I have decided to record the story of my little, insignificant life up to this point.

I have decided to persue this project only due to the fact that I feel it may help me heal and, by spurting all of the ups and downs of my short, young life out here into the open so that I can leave them behind as opposed to allowing them to fester inside of myself, I will be able to move on in a much more complete fashion.

I am not begging you all to read my upcoming personal record, although I do hope that by my putting myself out here, unabashedly and uncensored I can help just one person make it through his or her struggle, just as Crystal has done for me. [However, I do not want to hear bullshit about how: OMFG, UR COPYING CRYSTAL!! STUPID BITCH, WTF???!!!11: First off, wow, you're showing your intelligence, cover that nasty shit up. And secondly, my story and Crystal's, apart from social inadequacy and the like, are like night and day so, your arguement, if you can call it that, holds no bearing. Thank you. :-)] I really don't give a damn if anyone beside myself and perhaps immediate family ever lay eyes upon it. However, I feel that in order to free myself, I need to tell my story in as full and complete a way as possible. Its terribly unhealthy and harmful for everyone's soul, I believe, to bottle things up which society has taught us to toss deep inside our closets and cover with fake smiles and a perpetually optimistic attitude.

So anyway, that's what's up.

Don't worry, it won't all be razorblades and emo poetry the likes of which would make ol' Bill Shakespeare roll over in his grave! I'll also continue letting you know what I like best on the Web.

Sunny Side Up!,

Monday, July 28, 2008

Favorite Photographs, Ver. 1.2

Hiya Kids!

Here are some of my favorite images from the past week.
Lead me to some of yours in comments.

In Name Only

Buster Keaton


both images from Roman Scandals, 1933. Starring Eddie Cantor and featuring a very seductive slave girl, Lucille Ball.
All four images via






Remaining images unknown.

A more substantial post concerning my sudden change of plans, my new outlook on life, etc. to be posted soon so, stay tuned.

Sunny Side Up!,

Friday, July 25, 2008

True Friendship Knows no Bounds.

This is the most amazing, heart warming, hopeful story I've heard in months. My heart is incredibly happy now, just by seeing this.

Meet Christian, the lion and his handlers:


Have you taken a chance and reconnected, or attempted to reconnect with a long lost friend? How did it pan out for you?

Actually, I sent a MySpace message to a girl who was once my best friend in Junior High earlier today. Here's hoping we regain what we once had.

Sunny Side Up!,

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Thank you for being a friend...

Estelle Getty
July 26, 1923-July 22, 2008

As you all know by now, Estelle Getty, best known for her role as Sophia on The Golden Girls, passed away yesterday at the age of 84.

In her honor, a compilation of some great "Sophia" moments:

Thank you for the laughter, Estelle.

Sunny Side Up!,

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Favorite Photographs, ver. 1.1.

Instead of my posting a photo here, a photo there in individual posts, I have decided to collect my favorites throughout the week and the compile a giant post every sunday.

Here's the first installment.

Unknown Photographer

Gucci Campaign, Craig McDean, Photographer

Unknown Photographer

The late Ruslana Korshunova, W Nov. 2004, Mario Sorrenti

Beau Grealy, Photographer

Eugenio Recuenco, Photographer

Heidi Mount, Marie Claire Italy, Rosso, Oct. 2006, David Bellemere, Photographer

Ira Bordo, Photographer

What one[s] is/are your favorite[s]?

Sunny Side Up!,

The Sunday Salon: Where the Hell IS Desilu? by Howard Rayfiel.

The Sunday

This memoir was different than anything I've read previously which had anything to do with Lucille Ball in the simple fact that Lucy was just a small part of this book, which is to be expected of course because, this man has accomplished so much besides working for "The Redhead", if I may borrow Mr. Rayfiel's affectionate term for his friend and employer.

Howard Rayfiel comes from a long line of honest, hard working judges. He was raised on a moral code built on honesty, justice, and compassion for our fellow human beings; and that shines through as he regales us with stories of the corruption of the behind-the-scenes business side of Hollywood and the way he chose to conduct himself while working with men who would do anything, stoop to new lows, etc. all in the name of the almighty dollar. Mr. Rayfiel began his multi-faceted entertainment career as a theatrical lawyer in NYC, he later moved to LA where, through a chain of events, he was appointed resident counsel to Desilu Productions, Inc. As he was, in his own words, the lawyer who wanted to be a writer, he went on to the top of the ladder as Vice President of Lucille Ball Productions, Inc., Production Executive on Here's Lucy, a member of the Writer's Guild of America, and a member of the Board of Directors of the Association of Motion Picture and Television Producers.

This work is filled with anecdotes on many of Howard's celebrity friends which included but was not limited to, Lucy and Walter Matthau. This book is very good if, like me, you enjoy becoming acquainted with the private persona of some of your favorite personalities or if the script and story writing prospect is something that interests you a great deal.

All in all, I'd give Mr. Rayfiel's memoir 4 out of 5 stars.

Sunny Side Up!,

Saturday, July 19, 2008


Keely Smith, Dinah Shore, and Edie Adams in an ode to the sterotypical 50s housewife:


Sunny Side Up!,

Thursday, July 17, 2008

I Met the Walrus.

In 1969, a 14-year old Jerry Levitan snuck into John Lennon's hotel room and conducted a five minute interview with the man. Here is that interview set to an animation which Jerry created to accompany it.

"War is big business and they like war 'cause it keeps 'em fat and happy, and I'm anti-war so, they're tryin' to keep me out but, I'll get in 'cause they'll have to own up in public that they're against peace."

Sunny Side Up!,

White Wino.

I love this song which I've just heard for the first time, two minutes ago.

White Winos by Loudon Wainwright III , father of Rufus.


Sunny Side Up!,

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

d. Sharp's having a giveaway!

d. sharp is giving away three of her eiffel tower candy containers!

Enter here by July 22nd at 8pm EST for a chance to snag one of these cuties!

Sunny Side Up!,

Straight from Melbourne..

Crate Tetris!:


Sunny Side Up!,

Monday, July 14, 2008

So, besides contracting pneumonia..

my mother also caught bronchitis on our journey south.
Drat, the luck!

Aside from getting multiple diseases, it was determined during the course of our visit that it would be absolutely impossible for my older sister and I to cohabitate in the same home for any extended amount of time. There would end up being an inevitable feud most likely resulting in my being ejected from their home anyway. So, the whole moving to Georgia to further my education thing is off but, I do however, plan on relocating to the Peach state sometime in the future for permanent residence.

On the bright side, I came away with a lip piercing and two tattoos.

The coveted lip piercing:

My planned tattoo:

I'll post a photo of my purple fleur-de-lis as soon as I upload it.

The trip, as a whole, was a disappointment with my only seeing my best friend once, on the night that I got my lip done but despite that, I came away with a clearer sense of self and a lighter heart and I'm honestly not sure what has prompted this sudden clarity but, I'm really enjoying not being under pressure and constant worry at the moment.

So, are any of you hardcore body mods? Do you have one or two tattoos or piercings or does body modification not interest you at all?

Sunny Side Up!,

Sunny Side Up!,

Saturday, July 12, 2008

You have got to be kidding me!

I freaked out this morning when, as I was coughing, hacking really, after being sick for about a week, I began to notice blood in with my well, phlegm. (sorry, I know, nasty!)

Well, my mother and I ran down to a local emergency room and through a series of tests, which included a CAT-Scan of my chest and a lovely little number christened a blood gas, hat little flower right there hurt something awful; in the end, the Cat-Scan showed that I have pneumonia in my right lungs' lower lobe.
The doctor gave me antibiotics and a cough surpressant and I'm all set. All that's left to do is lots of relaxation, which is why I'm not posting an awful lot right now but, cut me some slack, I'll give a little whistle still at least once a day. I do not feel pain, I'm just weak and a bit worn out.

I'll be swell within days, though!

Sunny Side Up!,

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Honey, I'm home!

The surprise is..I'm glad to be back. Gosh, how plans for your life can change in 2 weeks time..

Eh, things don't always (almost never, really) work out for me but some other opportunity has to pop up. I have a brain, I'm not a dingbat, honest! So one thing or another has got to come my way!

I'm pretty tired at the moment so, more later but, I just wanted to put it out there that I am back on the scene.
I'll leave you with my cat for the time being, Thunder:

[Huzzah for horrid cellphone photos!!]

Sunny Side Up!,