Thursday, June 25, 2009

Princess Grace- The Last Interview.

I've just spent the last half hour or so watching this, the final interview of Grace Kelly, given by Pierre Salinger in June of 1982, which was less than two months prior to her tragic death in that fateful car accident on a mountain in Monaco..

I've always been far more taken with Grace's life AFTER she abandoned her career as an actress in the name of love. A fairytale come to fruition, to say the very least.

I have to agree with a commenter on the last video in the series when they say how they hate it as Pierre asks that fateful question; I know you're far too young to ask this but, how do you want to be remembered?
That stings, almost like a foreboding statement.

However, despite that, I enjoyed this immensely and find her demeanor and graciouness very refreshing with there being such a lack of it in today's public figures whether in politics or pictures.

Here are parts ONE:


and THREE:

With the final three parts off to the left and either the first or second video in that list.

Sunny Side Up!,

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