Monday, February 2, 2009

All About The Beatles.

I adore these guys:
That's right, I love 'em.

Since birth, the greatness that was this 1960s mega group has been ingrained into my being. My father was an avid fan and as a small child, I was all about blasting some Penny Lane on my family's old record player.

So, I've been thinking, IF you enjoy these four mop topped boys from Liverpool the way I do, I have a question or two.

Ready? Okay!

1.) If you can, (and I know its hard, admittedly, I can't pick just one myself), what Beatles song really set your feets to tappin' with the most vigor and enthusiasm?
I flip flop on this issue every few months or so. A few months ago, I was very much about the Psychedelic Era Beatles, a la Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Heart's Club Band, For the Benefit of Mr. Kite, and When I'm 64. Now, this month, I can't get enough of their later, more guitar infused, rocking songs like Revolution, Why Don't We Do It in the Road, and Let it Be.

2.) In a similar vein, what ERA of The Beatles do you prefer?
I've always had a taste for their later endeavors as opposed to their early 60s poppy sound. When I think about it, I guess I am definitely a late 60s kind of gal. The longer hair, the slight beard? SO much more attractive then their closely cropped couiffures and their smooth as a baby's bottom faces in my mind.

3.) Favorite Beatles moment or memory?
I think its hilarious how John Lennon stated that The Beatles were "bigger than Jesus Christ." and every Alma, Mildred, and Rose in America proceeded to ban such 'filth' from their child's record player. I don't know why I love that moment so much so, don't ask why. I'm just badass in that general fashion.

4.) What Beatles records do you have in your possession?
Nowadays I get most of my music transferred to the almighty IPod but, I have my share of Beatles CDs including; Beatles, 1; Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Heart's Club Band, Magical Mystery Tour, and Beatles: Anthology.

And, last but certainly not least by any means;

5.) Who is YOUR favorite member of The Fab Four?
No words needed, am I right?

In conclusion, I leave thee with some of my favorite goodies:

Helter Skelter:

I Am the Walrus:

Visiting India:

Apology for the infamous Jesus Christ statement:

Sunny Side Up!,

1 comment:

Philip Marlowe said...

1.) If you can...what Beatles song really set your feets to tappin' with the most vigor and enthusiasm?

"Hey Bulldog"

2.) In a similar vein, what ERA of The Beatles do you prefer?

1965-66; Rubber Soul/Revolver. I tried to look like this in high school. The Beatles got me through the hellaciousness that was..

3.) Favorite Beatles moment or memory?

When I discovered the other, "non greatest hits" songs that weren't on the "Red" and "Blue" double LPs my dad owned when I was a kid.

4.) What Beatles records do you have in your possession?

Not a single one. Had 'em all on record but I'm still waiting for the CDs to be done properly.

5.) Who is YOUR favorite member of The Fab Four?

John. Always John.

*BTW, Pleased to "meet" you.